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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Referendum Motion

6 June Town Hall Referenda

Should the LSESU restore codified provisions for the funding of Student Media Groups, such as The Beaver?


Proponent: Aarti Malhotra

Through this policy proposal, we are attempting to resolve issues related to the funding issues The Beaver has faced over the last year. Due to the removal of the LSESU bye-laws last year, The Beaver has lost access to its annual media grant going forward, which is the primary and critical source of funding for the publication's printing costs. You can read more about the issue and our policy suggestion in the following article:

By codifying and restoring provisions in the LSESU byelaws, the LSESU can guarantee Student Media Group societies a secure source of funding so they can continue their job of keeping the LSE community informed and reporting on meaningful, pressing issues around campus. Codifying provisions for Student Media Group societies’ funding will benefit both the societies and wider student community, who rely on the Student Media Group societies as essential sources of information.

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