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The Neurodiversity and Disability (ND&D) Officer provides a genuine understanding of the complexities of Neurodiversity and Disability. They listen to and voice the concerns and experiences of neurodivergent and disabled students on campus, seeking to build a community at LSE where ND&D students can thrive.

Neurodiversity and Disability Officer

The Neurodiversity and Disability (ND&D) Officer provides a genuine understanding of the complexities of Neurodiversity and Disability. They listen to and voice the concerns and experiences of neurodivergent and disabled students on campus, seeking to build a community at LSE where ND&D students can thrive.
The Neurodiversity and Disability (ND&D) Officer provides a genuine understanding of the complexities of Neurodiversity and Disability. They listen to and voice the concerns and experiences of neurodivergent and disabled students on campus, seeking to build a community at LSE where ND&D students can thrive.

Hela Younis (she/her)

NEURODIVERGENT and disability Officer

Get to know hela

What I Study


why i became NEURODIVERGENT Students' PTO


what i am looking to achieve this year


End of Term reports

Hela's End of Term report will be found here.

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