As a member of the Trustee Board, you would be responsible for ensuring that everything LSESU does benefits students.
Applications for this role are different to the other roles in this election. As stated in our governing documents, all applicants for this role must be approved by our Appointments Committee. Therefore, you must submit an application for this role as well as nominating yourself in the election portal.
Would you like to become a Director of multi-million-pound charity, helping us to make big decisions about the future of the LSE Students’ Union? If so, we’re looking for a Student Trustee to sit on LSESU’s Trustee Board. Could this be the role for you?
About the Trustee Board
The Trustee Board is ultimately responsible for making the big decisions about the running of the students’ union. The Board is comprised of 12 people including Sabbatical Officers, lay trustees and fellow students – all of whom bring different types of experience and expertise to the role. The LSESU Trustee Board generally does not get involved in political issues or policy setting, but is responsible for ensuring that the democracy which produces that policy is working for students, and that the Students’ Union is following all its legal, financial and strategic duties.
About the Role
Being a Trustee is a voluntary role and involves attending 5 Trustee Board meetings each year, plus some preparation time before each one. Our Trustees are an incredibly important part of our governance and play an integral role in the continued running and development of the students’ union.
Previous experience of being a trustee is not required and we would welcome applications from all students including undergraduate, postgraduate, part-time and international.
Interested in hearing more from people who have been in the position? Follow this link to watch a recorded Q&A session.
Applications for this role
All student trustees at LSESU must be elected by a cross-campus ballot.
However, unlike other roles up for election, all Student Trustee candidates must submit an application to the Appointments Committee of the Students’ Union. The Appointments Committee will review these applications and either approve or deny the students' candidacy. NB: It is very uncommon for a student candidacy to be denied, and must be based on strict criteria e.g. if a candidate has a recent history of financial fraud. This is due to the legal requirements for appointing trustees.
The timeline for the application and approval process is as follows:
- Applications close: March 3rd @ 9am
- Appointments committee meets and approves potential candidates: TBC
- Candidates are notified if their candidacy has been approved: On or before 8th March
- Campaigning begins: Monday 10th March
- Elections voting: 18th - 19th March
- If you wish to apply, please do say via the job listing on our website.
Key responsibilities
- Attend trustee training
- Ensure that LSESU remains in good financial shape, including approving the annual budget
- Ensure that LSESU does not break any laws or regulations
- Interpret the Constitution, Articles and Byelaws
- Attend and contribute to Trustee Board meetings (normally five per year)
- Read relevant reports and papers prior to meetings
- Steer the Students' Union's strategic direction
In order to be a trustee: