As Women's Officer, you would be responsible for campaigning and lobbying on womens' issues, making positive change for women at LSE.

Key responsibilities

  • Lead the Union on delivering students’ general and political priorities related to gender equality 

    • This could include bigger projects such as lobbying with LSE key stakeholders for more inclusive policies, that especially affect female students  or smaller initiatives such as collaborating with relevant clubs, societies and campaigns on events and initiatives 

  • Set and carry out annual objectives 

    • Annual objectives include changes you would like LSE to implement and lobby for, running a week of events such as Women’s Rights Week in collaboration with LSESU staff, clubs, societies and the wider student body 

  • Attend 121s with relevant LSESU staff once a month, and remain in regular contact through email/phone between meetings

    • A Campaigns and Policy Coordinator will be assigned to support you throughout the duration of your role and help you with achieving your projects

  • Attend Executive Committee meetings and Town Halls, or send official apologies if this is not possible

    • The Executive Committee is made up of the elected Full-Time and Part-Time Officers of the Students' Union. The Executive Committee meet several times each term to discuss the political direction of the Union, ongoing campaigns, and to report on their work.

    • You will join a community of Part-Time officers with whom you can collaborate. 

  • Communicate and collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers where necessary

  • Communicate your work to students both in person and online and continuously engage with their interests

    • This can be done through open fora, social media accounts, surveys, etc. 

  • Flexible working around undergraduate or postgraduate studies 

    • It is up to you how many hours a week you will contribute to your role and this might vary depending on busy periods. On average most PTOs spend 3-10 hours a week on their role. 

  • International students are encouraged to stand

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