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This is our opportunity to engage in an innovative, student-led process to create system change that works in the interest of our biggest priority, students!

Democracy Review

This is our opportunity to engage in an innovative, student-led process to create system change that works in the interest of our biggest priority, students!

What WAs the Democracy Review?

The LSESU Democracy Review was an in-depth evaluation and reform of the SU's democratic structure. We knew it was not working as efficiently and effectively as it could have been for all LSE students. 

We partnered with DemSoc, an international non-profit organisation that has previously worked on democracy reviews at Greenwich and Exeter Universities Students' Unions', to undergo this endeavour.

What has been done so far?

We have engaged in student surveys and focus groups to collect detailed student feedback on what students need from the SU democratic structure going forward.

We held a Democracy Summit where a representative body of 24 students participated in three deliberative sessions to learn about democracy and make recommendations to the SU. You can find the full report on the Summit and their recommendations here

We put the new democratic structure up to an all student vote where it was approved by students! And, the Trustee Board reviewed the passed motion and approved it as well. This means, the Union now officially has a new democratic structure! You can find our new byelaws here

So far we have introduced the new Town Halls with embedded Accountability Board, rehauled how students submit Policy Proposals, and run our first Student Panel sessions.

What still needs to be done?

We are continually implementing the recommendations suggested from the democracy review - making adjustments as and when needed. For more info check out Democracy Review Implementation Page 


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