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Students smiling and carrying a 'consent education now' banner at a protest


A group of LSE students and staff who support the cleaners' ongoing campaign for equality and respect, no matter our occupation, department or union affiliation. Cleaners are not the dirt they clean!



After bringing LSE Cleaners in house two years ago, the School has consistently failed to live up to its promises of better conditions and pay for its most essential workers. Justice for LSE Cleaners is a collective of students and cleaners who work with the trade union UVW to end the exploitation of LSE's cleaning staff, some of whom have been working at the university for over 10 years.



  • Have United Voices of the World recognised as the cleaners’ union

  • Improve pay and conditions for cleaners, especially in the context of better PPE and more breaks for cleaners in the wake of a global pandemic

  • Hold LSE's Directorate to account for its promises to cleaners



Beaver - Justice for Cleaners Revived

13 February, 2020



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Are you a Society or Club who support what we want to achieve? Endorse Us

Societies and Sports Clubs who support the changes we are trying to make at LSE, we would like to ask you to give your endorsement for our campaign. Find out more about what it means to endorse using the buttons below. The more support we have, the easier it is for us to make LSE a place truly led by students.

Endorse this campaign here.
