Offer financial support to estranged students and those living in abusive environments, as well as free accommodation in LSE Halls of Residence.
· Create a safe LGBTQ+ space on Campus. (Liberation Room). (Achieved)
B) Trans Community. (By the end of Lent Term)
· Signalise the 88 Gender-Neutral toilets across Campus and in the Official LSE Map.
· Change Gender-Neutral toilets and changing rooms provisions
· Change the process when building
· Hardship Funds for Trans students (transitioning).
· Offer Guidance and Legal support for Trans students in their medical transition. (A Centre for Trans Students that could be online or on-campus).
· Change Classroom policies requiring academics to check student list with students pronouns.
· Change LSE For You registering – possibility to add pronouns.
C) Financial Support. (By the end of Summer Term)
· Create Scholarships for LGBTQ+ students that come from social and economically disadvantaged backgrounds (Trans students, LGBTQ+ students that identify as BAME, working-class LGBTQ+ students).