The LSESU LGBTQ+ Campaign is the Student’s Union first-ever campaign focused in supporting and improving LGBTQ+ student’s experiences at LSE. Since June, we have listened to our students and after careful, we developed a campaign considering three main topics: Mental Health Provision, Trans community support and Financial Support.
The campaign has released a petition so that you can support the campaign demands. Signing your name to this petition is vital for us to negotiate changes with Senior Management and advocate with the wider LSE community that our LGBTQ+ deserve better. Sign it here.
· Counselling Service to provide an LGBTQ+ Support Group (for students coming out, questioning and transitioning). (Achieved)
· Provide at least one (1) counsellor holding specific training/qualifications to assist LGBTQ+ students. (in progress)
· Create a safe LGBTQ+ space on Campus. (Liberation Room). (Achieved)
· Signalise the 88 Gender-Neutral toilets across Campus and in the Official LSE Map.
· Change Gender-Neutral toilets and changing rooms provisions
· Change the process when building
· Hardship Funds for Trans students (transitioning).
· Offer Guidance and Legal support for Trans students in their medical transition. (A Centre for Trans Students that could be online or on-campus).
· Change Classroom policies requiring academics to check student list with students pronouns.
· Change LSE For You registering – possibility to add pronouns.
· Create Scholarships for LGBTQ+ students that come from social and economically disadvantaged backgrounds (Trans students, LGBTQ+ students that identify as BAME, working-class LGBTQ+ students).
Sources of support for trans students
LSESU LGBTQ+ Students Guide
Email - Thiago, SU LGBT+ Officer
Instagram - LSESU LGBT+ Officer
Being endorsed by a Society or Club means they support the change we are trying to achieve and help us spread our message to students. If you are a group who wish to endorse us too, click the button below to find out more.
Endorse this campaign here.
Site design by Elliot Parker.