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Find out everything you need to know to nominate someone for the Teaching Awards 2024!

LSESU Teaching Awards 2024

Find out everything you need to know to nominate someone for the Teaching Awards 2024!

What are the Teaching Awards?


The LSE and SU Teaching Awards are the place for students to recognise those members of staff who have made a difference to their time at LSE and say thank you for the amazing work which has made a positive impact on the education. 

All the categories are listed below - as well as awards for (you guessed it) teaching, there are also awards for areas such as Departmental Excellence and Professional Services Staff so you can acknowledge others throughout the School who have helped to improve your experience here at LSE.

I'm very humbled to have received the LSESU Teaching Award! My deepest gratitude to my wonderful students. It was truly a moment I will cherish forever.

- Dr Paroma Bhattacharya

Winner of the 2021/22 Award for Innovative Teaching


Key Dates for


Nominations Open:  03/05/24

Nominations Close: 20/05/24

Shortlisting Process: Through the end of May. 

Winners Announced: At the awards ceremony 06/06/24!

Any Questions? Contact us at


Nominations are accepted in the following categories:

LSESU Award for Welfare and Pastoral Support

LSESU Award for Educating for Impact

LSESU Award for Inclusive Teaching 

LSESU Award for Outstanding Teaching

LSESU Award for Personal and Professional Development

LSESU Award for Professional Services Staff

LSESU Award for PhD Supervision

LSESU Award for Student Voice and Partnership

LSESU Award for Departmental Excellence

LSESU Award for Excellent Feedback and Communication

Click the links to see the criteria for each award.

Nominate here

What to include in your nomination: 

All selection is based on the nomination comments you leave in this form. So, make sure you look at the criteria of each category when you write your nomination and really think about why the member of staff deserves to win this award. Nominees do not have to hit all the criteria, however, try to use examples to describe how your nominee fits some of them - think about specific things or moments to illustrate your nomination. Nomination submissions must be between 250 and 2000 characters. 

You can nominate multiple people and submit as many nominations as you like. You will have to do this by completing a new submission form for each new nominee.


What do winner's receive? All nominees, not just those that win an award, will receive their nomination comments (unless you opt out of this in the form). These comments are highly treasured by staff and we encourage you to stay opted in!

Winners also receive an Award Certificate and £250.

Who can I nominate? Provided the person you nominate is an employed staff member at the LSE, you can nominate them! In the past lecturers, PhD Supervisors, Halls Wardens and Graduate Teaching Assistants have all won. If you think they are great then nominate them!

Can I nominate someone in more than one category? Absolutely – as long as they meet the criteria of the category specified, you can nominate them in as many as you like.

Do I have to meet all the criteria for the award? No, your nominee does not need to meet all of the criteria to win, although they are used to assess the winners. These are only examples and general guidance. 

I’m worried my department is too small for my nominees to win - is this a prohibitive factor? Not at all! More nominations do make a stronger case, however some of our previous winners have won after just one very strong nomination.

We have devised a selection method that primarily focuses on the quality of nominations and how well the nominee hits the award criteria, so a very good nomination submitted by a student can definitely do the trick.

How are the award winners decided? The final decision on who receives the awards is taken by a panel including elected officers, staff from the LSESU, and Academic Reps from across the School. 

How many awards are given out in each category? Each category has 1 award winner.

What if my nominees don’t win? Although it’s fantastic to win an award, not everyone can. We are fully committed to providing all nominees with your anonymous comments and recognition. Just one nomination from you can make someone’s teaching year worthwhile.

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