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LGBT+ Students

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Coming to University can seem like a daunting time for anyone, but it is particularly true for LGBT+ students where the issues of safety, acceptance, respect and inclusion play a central role. Here is some information to help you, your friend or course mate navigate the student experience at LSE.

Support at LSESU

The LSESU LGBTQ+ Society is the society for students who identify as LGBTQ+, as well as allies.  

LSESU has an LGBT+ Officer who is responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns of LGBTQ+ students at LSE, and they are a great contact if you want to talk about LSE experience as queer student. They also prepared helpful guide for LGBTQ+ students

Support at LSE 

LSE is committed to equality and does not tolerate bullying or harassment, particularly when it is based on gender identity or sexual orientation. If you are facing discrimination, you can report it (anonymously or by sharing your contact details) via the Report It, Stop It tool. There are also a number of Safe Contacts at LSE, who are trained to provide support to students experiencing discrimination. The School Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Policy can be found here and the Complaints procedure here

Additionally, the LSE provides options for gender neutral titles (i.e. Mx) in student records. You can change your gender identity on the system as soon as you join LSE or during your studies on LSE For You. Changing the official name in student records requires official documentation such as drivers’ license confirming your gender identity. 

Support external to the school 

Switchboard: Switchboard is run exclusively by volunteers who self-identify as LGBT+. They act as a confidential listening service, and can signpost you to support groups, trans-friendly therapists and other information. 

Galop: support services to LGBQT+ individuals who are experiencing hate crime, domestic abuse and sexual violence. They run a dedicated Trans Advocacy and Community Development Service if you are experiencing any form of transphobia. 

Stonewall: Stonewall is a LGBT+ rights charity, providing information and support.  

There are also a range of charities who specialise in other specific issues, such as suicide prevention, carers, alcohol/substance abuse, mental health, sexual violence or more. The NHS has a useful list of these here

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Saw Swee Hock Student Centre

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020 7955 7158

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