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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Sports and Societies

The LSESU Bangla Society is one of the fastest growing societies within the LSE campus, providing a vast range of events and opportunities throughout the academic year in order to promote Bangla culture and foster friendship with our fellow peers, Bengali or not.

Here is a taster of the events we held in 2021-2022:

  • Games and Pizza nights, often in collaboration with many other BSOC's
  • Our Restless Beings Charity Week, raising money for Rohingya refugees through fun competitions including strength challenges, an inter-university football tournament, bake sales and much more
  • Movie nights and sports screenings
  • A massive Desi night in collaboration with the Pakistan society
  • A debate night in collaboration with King's College London Bangla society
  • And a rap challenge! (which was interesting..)

Our plan for the academic year 2022-2023 seeks to build on our success over the last year, with a refreshed emphasis on events which reflect on Bangla culture and experiences by inviting speakers of Bengali heritage. We are also planning to hold a ball at the end of Michaelmas term, accommodating upto 200 people, the details of which will be shortly announced. 

We are also proud to announce that we have partnered up with Bright Network in order to provide exclusive careers opportunities and resources for our members!

If you are interested in our society and would like to know more, please do not hesitate to send us a DM on our Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook pages. We would love to hear from you!


Joy Bangla!!