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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Event Listing

Tuesday 13 March 2018
8pm - 10pm
Urbanest Westminster (LSE accomodation)

After suffering from their tragic defeat last year, the French Soc has begged the German Soc to organise another Beer Pong Tournament to redeem their honour... To help them or further their humiliation come join us! 

Since some people managed to fall from the stage at the Venue last year (@Armand), we also have decided to change the location of this event. It will take place in the 6th Floor Café, for safety purposes. We realise that it is rather late to start drinking at 20:00, however, no need to predrink as plenty of beer will be provided.

The aim is not to miss cups at the same rate as you neck shots on a Wednesday night at Zoo.

Ticket cost: £5 (beer included)

Time: 20:00 (Note to Germans: you will still get beer if you are 2 minutes late)

Location: Urbanest Westminster (LSE accomodation)

Teams will consist of 3 people, so grab two of your freunde or amis and send your team name to one of our committee members: Josephine Nordin (French soc), Armand Dfr (French soc) or Juliette Pcl (German soc).


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