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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Event Listing

Wednesday 07 October 2020
2pm - 3:30pm

Hola! Salut! ??! 

Welcome to LSESU MLS' GIAG Coffee Break session! 

Grab a cup of homemade coffee (any drink really), hop on zoom and come join us in this 1.5 hour period to meet fellow multilingual students! 

During this time you will learn more about what the society does, enjoy fun and engaging games (with prizes to be won!), make new friends as well as practice the languages you wish to (wow killing 4 birds with 1 stone)! 

zoom link: 

fb event:  (do indicate your attendance here so that we can gauge the numbers better!)

So what are you waiting for? Follow us on our Facebook page and Instagram to get the latest updates on our upcoming activities! 

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