Lent Term Elections 2020

The polls have closed.

General Secretary


As General Secretary, you would be one of LSESU's full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers and the primary liaison between LSE and the Students’ Union. The Sabbatical Officers represent all LSE students and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events.

Specifically, your role involves representing the student body and setting the agenda within both the School and LSESU. You will actively promote the needs and desires of students and lead on the development and delivery of initiatives, campaigns and projects to improve the overall student experience at LSE.

You will sit on LSE’s decision-making bodies: including LSE Council; Finance and Estates Committee; Ethics Committee; Honorary Awards Committee; and Governance Committee. This is a meeting-heavy role, with various chairing responsibilities.

What would I be responsible for?

  • Directing the Union’s representative work

  • Acting as Union Spokesperson

  • Chairing the Executive Committee

  • Chairing of the Trustee Board

  • Primary liaison between the School and the Union, and responsible for coordinating Student representation on School Committees

However, as with all elected roles, you will have a lot of freedom over the projects you choose to work on.

For more information on this role click here, or email su.representation@lse.ac.uk

Note: Sabbatical Officers will need to be available during the month of July for the induction period.

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Activities & Development Officer

As Activities and Development Officer, you will be one of LSESU’s four full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers represent all students at LSE and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events. 

Specifically, you will be responsible for the development of LSESU sports clubs, societies and the student Media Group. You will help organise events, such as the Freshers’ Fair, and will work closely with the RAG President and the AU President on their campaigns and projects.

You will also chair the Activities Committee and sit on School decision-making bodies, including building project boards.

All Sabbatical Officers are also members of the Trustee Board, which has the ultimate legal and financial responsibility for the Students’ Union, and the Executive Committee which is responsible for defending the rights of student members and campaigning on issues affecting them.

Your core duties are outlined in our bye laws as follows however, as with all elected roles, you will have a lot of freedom over the projects you take on.

  • Direct the volunteering programmes
  • Direct the Union’s Student activities work
  • Instigator of new and developing extra curricular activities
  • Lead projects that enhance the personal development of members

For more information, go to www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/activities or contact su.engagement@lse.ac.uk

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Education Officer


As Education Officer, you would be one of the Students’ Union's full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers represent all students and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events.

The Education Officer is responsible for leading change in teaching and learning within LSE.  You will raise awareness of academic issues, liaising with students, academic representatives, academics and the directorate to ensure that students have a voice and representation within the SU and the University. You will also take the lead on national education policy and issues.

You will sit on School decision-making bodies, including the Academic Board, and will co-chair the Consultative Forums. This is a meeting-heavy role.

All Sabbatical Officers are also members of the Trustee Board, which has the ultimate legal and financial responsibility for the Students’ Union, and the Executive Committee which is responsible for defending the rights of student members and campaigning on issues affecting them.

What would I be responsible for?

  • Directing the Union’s work on educational and academic issues

  • Supporting academic reps to make positive changes to the educational experience of students

  • Primary Officer involved with monitoring the activities of the Academic Board and other related Academic Committees

However, as with all elected roles, you will have a lot of freedom over the projects you choose to work on.

For more information, go to www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/education or contact su.representation@lse.ac.uk

Note: Sabbatical Officers will need to be available during the month of July for the induction period.


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Community and Welfare Officer

As Community and Welfare Officer you will be one of LSESU’s full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers represent all students at LSE and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events. 

Specifically, as Community and Welfare Officer, you would be responsible for creating and sustaining the LSE community and being an active voice on student welfare issues at LSE. You will undergo negotiations with the School to improve issues such as Halls of Residences and increased off-campus housing support; student wellbeing; equality and diversity issues; and access to higher education. You will work hard to maintain good campus relations and will work closely with the Part-time and Liberation Officers on their campaigns and projects.

You will sit on various working groups and committees concerning communities and student wellbeing, including the EDI advisory board, the harassment and safeguarding forum and the Residences User Group.

All Sabbatical Officers are also members of the Trustee Board, which has the ultimate legal and financial responsibility for the Students’ Union, and the Executive Committee which is responsible for defending the rights of student members and campaigning on issues affecting them.

Your core duties are outlined in our bye laws as follows however, as with all elected roles, you will have a lot of freedom over the projects you take on.

  • Direct the Union’s work on the welfare of members
  • Direct the Union’s work on issues relating to members’ local, regional, national and international communities
  • Direct the Union’s work on citizenship and wider societal issues
  • Direct the Union’s work on developing good campus relations
  • Chair the Community and Welfare Assembly

For more information, go to www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/welfare or contact su.engagement@lse.ac.uk

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Anti-Racism Officer

The Anti-Racism Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU.

The Anti-Racism Officer:

  • You will challenge LSE to become an anti-oppressive, decolonial and intersectional institution

  • Work closely with LSESU staff to influence authentic change by working on campaigns, such as: ‘Decolonise the curriculum’, ‘Anti-apartheid measures’ and ‘Empowering BAME students”

  • Advocate for students at Executive Committee meetings and termly Town Halls

  • Collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers and other part time officers to influence actionable change

  • Communicates their work to students both in person and online.

See the full role description at www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/anti-racism

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Athletics Union President

The Athletics Union President:

  • Represents all AU club members
  • Works with the Activities and Development Officer and LSESU to develop sport at LSE
  • Supports AU club captains and club execs
  • Leads the organisation of AU events
  • Chairs the weekly AU Executive meeting
  • Liaises with the Union on all large AU activities and events
  • Attends regular 121s with relevant LSESU staff, and remain in regular contact through email/phone between meetings
  • Attends LSESU Executive meetings and the weekly UGMs, or send official apologies if this is not possible
  • Communicates and collaborates with the Sabbatical Officers where necessary

See the full role description at www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/athletics-union 

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Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Officer

As BME Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of Black and ethnic minority students on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.

The BME Officer:

  • Developing an engaging programme of events to encourage students to listen to BME voices on campus

  • Reduce and address the institutional, academic and social barriers that BME students experience

  • Spearhead movements decolonise LSE both academically and socially

  • Work closely with LSESU staff to create authentic change by leading events which aim to uplift LSE’s BME network

  • Advocate for students at Executive Committee meetings and termly Town Halls

  • Collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers and other part time officers to influence actionable change

  • Communicates their work to students both in person and online

You must self-identify as Black or Minority Ethnic in order to run for this position.

See the full role description at: www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/bme

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Disabled Students' Officer

The Disabled Students' Officer:

  • Campaigns on issues relating to the representation of disabled students.
  • To set and carry out annual objectives
  • To attend 121s with relevant LSESU staff once a month, and remain in regular contact through email/phone between meetings
  • To attend Executive meetings and the weekly UGMs, or send official apologies if this is not possible
  • To communicate and collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers where necessary
  • To communicate your work to students both in person and online

Find out more about the role here: www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/disabled/

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Environment & Ethics Officer

The Environment & Ethics Officer:

  • You will be at the forefront for making LSE a greener community 

  • Lead on the delivery of Green Week

  • Proactively investigate methods of improving LSE and the SU environmentally and ethically

  • Advocate for environmental issues at Executive Committee meetings and termly Town Halls

  • Work closely with LSESU staff to influence authentic change by working on campaigns related to environmental and ethical matters

  • Collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers and other part time officers to influence actionable change

  • Communicates their work to students both in person and online

See the full role description at: https://www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/environment/

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International Students' Officer


The International Students’ Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU. The International Students’ PTO will be paid an honorarium of £750 for their work in the 2023/24 academic year.

As International Students’ Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of international students on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.

As International Students' Officer you will:

  • Lead the Union on improving international students’ experiences and increase their engagement 

  • Lobby key LSE stakeholders for better support on visas and scholarships opportunities

  • Work with the Language Centre to propose language teaching courses

  • Collaborate with relevant clubs, societies and campaigns 

  • Advocate for international students at Executive Committee meetings

  • Provide community/ events tailored for international students

  • Discuss problems and their solutions with students at termly Town Halls

  • Collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers and other Part-Time Officer to influence actionable change

You must be an international student to run for this position.

For more information, see the full role description at https://www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/international/ or contact su.representation@lse.ac.uk

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LGBTQ+ Officer


The LGBTQ+ Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU. The International Students’ PTO will be paid an honorarium of £750 for their work in the 2023/24 academic year.

As LGBTQ+ Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of LGBTQ+ students on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.

As LGBTQ+ Officer you will:

  • Collaborate with LGBTQ+ Society and Spectrum

  • Lobby for improved LGBTQ+ support, especially in the wake of LSE’s disaffiliation from Stonewall 

  • Develop a strategy to improve the lives of members of the LGBTQ+ community on campus

  • Representing the needs of LGBTQ+ students at Executive meetings and update on progress at termly Town Halls

  • Communicate and collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers where necessary

You must self-define as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or another minority gender identity or sexual orientation, such as gender queer or asexual in order to run for this role.

For more information, see the full role description go to www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/lgbt or contact su.representation@lse.ac.uk

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Postgraduate Research Students' Officer

As the Postgraduate Research Students’ Officer, you will be the main representative of PhD students at LSE.

You will campaign on issues that affect PhD students and ensure that the Student Union’s work is focused on improving the PhD student experience. 

Previous Postgraduate Research Students' Officers have:

  • Passed a motion mandating improved mental health support for PhD students
  • Created support groups and events for PhD students
  • Organised forcus groups to assess what issues most affect PhD students

Could you be the next?

You must be a Postgraduate Research student to run for this position.

See the full role description at: https://www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/postgraduate-research/

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Raising & Giving (RAG) President

The RAG President:

  • Spearheads and supports student fundraising within LSESU by leading RAG week

  • Facilitates fundraising events led by RAG society for example; RAG Band and activity challenges

  • Leads and inspires a committee of student volunteers

  • Acts as the main point of contact for charities looking to fundraise with LSESU

  • Supports LSE students who are undertaking fundraising for a charitable cause

  • Advocates for student fundraising and charitable pursuits at Executive Committee meetings and termly Town Halls

  • Works closely with LSESU staff to influence authentic change by working on campaigns related RAG

  • Collaborates with the Sabbatical Officers and other part time officers to influence actionable change

  • Communicates their work to students both in person and online.

See the full role description at: https://www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/rag/

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Social Mobility & Class Officer

The person appointed to this role is part of the Union’s Executive Committee, who, having been elected by the student body, represent LSE students and shape the Union’s decision-making.

Specifically, this role addresses all issues surrounding the experiences of LSE students from low socio-economic backgrounds. As well as representation and campaigning, you will also have the opportunity to be involved in other LSESU events.

The Social Mobility and Class Officer:

  • Sets and carries out annual objectives
  • Attends 121s with relevant LSESU staff once a month, and remain in regular contact through email/phone between meetings
  • Attends Executive meetings and the weekly UGMs, or send official apologies if this is not possible
  • Communicates and collaborates with the Sabbatical Officers where necessary
  • Communicates their work to students both in person and online.

See the full role description at https://www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/class/

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Women's Officer


Did you know, on average, women can swim the English Channel faster than men?

And yet, both on and off campus women experience everyday sexism.

Are you discouraged by the micro AND macro-aggressions that appear in LSE?

By running to be the LSESU’s Women’s Officer you can lead the way in pioneering LSE as an equitable space for women!

The Women's Officer:

  • Advocates for women’s empowerment and equality at Executive Committee meetings and termly Town Halls

  • Works closely with LSESU staff to influence authentic change by tackling sexual assault on campus, increasing awareness of consent, promoting body positivity and empowering women on campus with specific career events 

  • Collaborates with the Sabbatical Officers and other part time officers to influence actionable change

  • Communicates their work to students both in person and online

The Women's Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU. The Women's PTO will be paid an honorarium of £750 for their work in the 2023/24 academic year.

You must self-define as a woman in order to run for this role.

For more information, see the full role description at: https://www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/women/ or contact su.representation@lse.ac.uk


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Democracy Committee (5 places)


The Democracy Committee is at the heart of everything we do at LSESU to make student voices heard. As part of the Democracy Committee, you would be a key figure in ensuring that the SU’s democratic structures always remain open and accessible to LSE students, facilitating change in a fair but radical fashion!

The Democracy Committee Members:

  • Ensure that LSESU functions in a democratic way

  • Facilitate and lead Student Town Halls and Student Panels

  • Analyse and assess the democratic foundations of any Policy Proposals put forward by other students

  • Decide the dates, rules, and regulation for all elections and referenda

  • Assist with promoting elections, Student Panels and Town Hall

Each Democracy Committee member will be paid an honorarium of £700 for their work. You cannot hold another elected position whilst acting as a member of Democracy Committee.

For more information, see the full role description at https://www.lsesu.com/voice/student-reps/democracy/ or contact su.representation@lse.ac.uk


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Academic Network Chair

The Societies Executive Committee represents all society members. They do this by working with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU as a whole. They work closely with society presidents and exec committee members to support their events and represent their views.

You should nominate yourself if...

  • You want to represent the members of all society members, and especially those in your society network.
  • You want to work with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU.
  • You want to support Society Presidents and Exec Committees.

See the full role description for Society Network Chairs at www.lsesu.com/stand.

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Activity & Special Interest Network Chair

The Societies Executive Committee represents all society members. They do this by working with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU as a whole. They work closely with society presidents and exec committee members to support their events and represent their views.

You should nominate yourself if...

  • You want to represent the members of all society members, and especially those in your society network.
  • You want to work with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU.
  • You want to support Society Presidents and Exec Committees.

See the full role description for Society Network Chairs at www.lsesu.com/stand.

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Creative Network Chair


  • Working with the Activities and Development Officer to represent Creative Societies at LSESU as a whole.
  • They work closely with society presidents and exec committee members to support and collaborate with their creative events and represent their views.
  • They recruit an internal committee to deliver events and creative spaces in collaboration with other Societies on campus.

You should nominate yourself if...

  • You want to represent the creative initiatives on campus.
  • Be involved in engaging a diverse range of creative students at LSESU and enhance student experience outside of the classroom.
  • You want to work with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU.
  • You want to support Society Presidents and Exec Committees.
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Athletics Union Executive (4 places)

The Athletics Union Executive are representatives of the Athletics Union club members, responsible for developing sport at LSE.

Find out more about this role at: www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/au-executive/

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AU Engagement Officer

The Athletics Union Engagement Officer is a representative of the Athletics Union club members, responsible for developing sport at LSE.

Find out more about the role at: www.lsesu.com/voice/elections/au-engagement/

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Careers Network Chair

The Societies Executive Committee represents all society members. They do this by working with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU as a whole. They work closely with society presidents and exec committee members to support their events and represent their views.

You should nominate yourself if...

  • You want to represent the members of all society members, and especially those in your society network.
  • You want to work with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU.
  • You want to support Society Presidents and Exec Committees.

See the full role description for Society Network Chairs at www.lsesu.com/stand.

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Charity, Campaigning & Political Network Chair

The Societies Executive Committee represents all society members. They do this by working with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU as a whole. They work closely with society presidents and exec committee members to support their events and represent their views.

You should nominate yourself if...

  • You want to represent the members of all society members, and especially those in your society network.
  • You want to work with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU.
  • You want to support Society Presidents and Exec Committees.

See the full role description for Society Network Chairs at www.lsesu.com/stand.

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Faith Network Chair

The Societies Executive Committee represents all society members. They do this by working with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU as a whole. They work closely with society presidents and exec committee members to support their events and represent their views.

You should nominate yourself if...

  • You want to represent the members of all society members, and especially those in your society network.
  • You want to work with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU.
  • You want to support Society Presidents and Exec Committees.

See the full role description for Society Network Chairs at www.lsesu.com/stand.

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Member of Trustee Board

The LSESU Trustee Board is responsible for making the big decisions about the running of the Students’ Union. The Board is comprised of 12 people including Sabbatical Officers, lay trustees and fellow students – all of whom bring different types of experience and expertise to the role.

As a member of Trustee Board you will:

  • Elevate the student voice 

  • Steer the Students' Union's strategic direction

  • Shape the future of the Students' Union by preparing for meetings and working with the Students' Union to implement changes.

Please note: Applications for this role are different to the other roles in this election. As stated in our governing documents, all applicants for this role must be approved by our Appointments Committee. Therefore, you must submit an application for this role as well as nominating yourself in the election portal. 

See the full role description and information on the application process at: https://www.lsesu.com/union/jobs/vacancy/277/

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National & Cultural Network Chair

The Societies Executive Committee represents all society members. They do this by working with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU as a whole. They work closely with society presidents and exec committee members to support their events and represent their views.

You should nominate yourself if...

  • You want to represent the members of all society members, and especially those in your society network.
  • You want to work with the Activities and Development Officer to develop societies at LSESU.
  • You want to support Society Presidents and Exec Committees.

See the full role description for Society Network Chairs at www.lsesu.com/stand.

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Site design by Elliot Parker.