Candidate for the position of General Secretary



LSE - Lashley Sounds Excellent


As an active member of our student community, LSE’s 2020 Volunteer of the Year, and activist, I’m running to transform LSE. 


Tackle LSE’s Exploitative Employment system


  • LSE’s leaders and sabbatical officers are paid one of the UK's most generous rates whilst LSE ignores campaigns such as “Justice For LSE Cleaners”. 

  • To demonstrate my vow to tackle inequalities on campus, I will donate 10% of my salary to a cause chosen by students


Support Student Activism 


  • Further financial and technical support offered to students campaigning. 


  • Stand with LSE rent strike and include a break-clause so students can leave LSE accommodation and be refunded for unused time.


Prioritise Mental Health


  • Remove the limit of 6 counselling sessions and reduce waiting times for help as 2 weeks of waiting is unacceptable.

  • Introduce a mandatory sexual consent workshop for all students.

  • Increase class flexibility allowing students abroad to attend class at a reasonable time.

Strengthen Student Experience


  • Move towards coursework and away from exam. 

  • Encourage closer connection between students and faculty by offering students the possibility to create their own research products and be supported academic staff.

  • New Bar 12th on the floor of CBG


Social Mobility, Russian Business & Culture, Chocolate Soc, Taekwondo, Kitesurf and Wakeboarding, Social Impact Society

Site design by Elliot Parker.