Candidate for the position of General Secretary



Cut Rent, Cut Fees, #TransformLSE

It’s time to #TransformLSE (Emerson for Education, Tori for C&W) into the engine for social change that it claims to be.

  • Support a variety of career routes away from the banking pipeline. We are capable of much more!

The university has happily taken the money of postgraduate and international students, raising fees year-by-year, without tangibly bringing them into the fold. While I’ll continue to work for COVID tuition refunds, we need:

  • A reduction and freeze in the rising rents and tuition fees.

  • Early inductions for postgraduate and international students to facilitate their entry into the LSE community

Make Diversity & Inclusion a priority. Recruit diverse students and create an inclusive culture that welcomes them. We need:

  • Diversity reports that account for race, class, gender, sexuality and the intersectionality of identities.

  • Compulsory consent and implicit bias training for students and staff.

  • To Decolonise the Curriculum

  • Student diversity networks

  • To expand the mentoring scheme

Finally, mental health support needs an overhaul at the university. Post-pandemic, we need:

  • No End to No Detriment

  • Offer help before they ask, so no student is left behind


  • Academic Rep

  • Established Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Forum

  • Organised LSE's first DEI week

  • Co-wrote LSESU Tuition fees petition


PPE, Equality In Education, Debate, Human Resources, AIPS

Site design by Elliot Parker.