Candidate for the position of General Secretary

Image for Josie Stephens

Josie Stephens


As a former President of Rosebery Hall, the Creative Network and Drama Society; I have the experience and enthusiasm to steer our union towards brighter days. I will:


REJUVENATE student life:

  • Repackage 'Welcome Week' for the whole of LSE - more daytime activities (including, sports-day at the Berry), specific events for each year group and a PG mixer in week 2. 
  • Build a fun, fresh social calendar, from open mic nights to guest speakers, complimented by the new Marshall building.
  • Remove red tape - streamline events booking processes, accelerate reimbursement timelines, and review budgeting. 

RECLAIM what we lost: 

  • In-person graduation ceremonies. 
  • More accessible mental health support and introduce a weekly wellness checker.
  • Confront the causes of student dissatisfaction.
  • Lobby to reinstate dropped courses and keep Wednesday afternoon's free.
  • Celebrate 125 years of LSE with a Summer Festival, extending invites to 2020/2021” cohorts. 

REPRESENT our diverse community: 

  • Design a ‘Diversity Toolkit’ and celebrate our multi-cultural community.
  • Spotlight Postgrads - fill the summer gap and organise more professionally oriented activities. 
  • Empower student leadership – organise workshops + support initiatives. 
  • Improve accountability - hold office hours and publicise a weekly rundown of actions. 
  • Make the SU a safe haven from the stresses of LSE. 


Green Finance, Swiss, Cocktail Soc, Northern, Rowing, Surf, Darts, Quiz, Men's Rugby, Hockey, Music, Drama, Fencing,Social Policy, French, Lacrosse, Album, Beekeeping, Tennis, Gaming, Netball, Ultimate Frisbee, Restructuring, Grimshaw, India, Foodcycle, Amnesty International, AMP, Cricket, Yoga, Snowsports, Men's Football, Geography & Environment, Pakistan Development, ACS, Women's Rugby, Athletics and Running, Chess, Futsal, United Nations, Rock Climbing, Labour, Welsh, Intersectional Feminist, Castore Consulting, Filipino, Effective Altruism, Brazilian Ju jitsu, Sports Business, Women in Business, Bhangra, German, Women's Basketball, Hayek, Dance Club, Islamic, Fashion, History, Equestrain & Polo, United States, Education Technology,

Site design by Elliot Parker.