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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Environment & Ethics Officer



Vote for a greener LSE!

There is no time like the present and we must act now! We need to recognise the severity of climate change. I support the motion that the LSESU should declare and lobby the LSE to declare a Climate Emergency and Ecological Crisis.

These are my proposals:

-propose a SU motion to ban all plastic packaging in LSE’s cafes

-campaign for more Fairtrade and sustainably sourced food and drinks to be sold in LSE’s cafes

-orgnise more environmental initiatives during Green Week and throughout the year in support of LSE becoming a zero carbon organisation by 2050

-work with the Volunteer Centre and LSE Careers to advertise more volunteering and career opportunities in the environmental sector

-promote environment conservation opportunities in the UK and abroad

-increase the number of plants and pollinator-friendly flowers across the campus

Together we can make a difference. Vote for me for a greener LSE - one step closer to a greener world! 

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