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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

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Candidate for the position of Member of Trustee Board



LSESU's bank invests in Arms/Fossil-fuels

Hello, my name is Taeyang, which means Sun in Korean.

LSESU currently uses NatWest that invests in arms, fossil fuels and other industries neglecting human/animal rights: Natwest is currently bottom-ranked in most of the online ethical-banking tables (check


If I am elected, I will end it:

By initialising a campaign motion and meetings with the Trustees & Democracy Committee to switch to Triodos Bank, which takes the environment, human/animal rights into its investment consideration.



My background:

• Elected Chair of KCLSU Ethics & Sustainability Committee for 2 years (2017~2019): Phasing-out palm-oil campaign

• Student Member of Fairtrade and Sustainable Food Steering Group, KCL (2018)

• Student Member of Socially Responsible Investment Review Committee, KCL (2017) 

• Active Environmental/Animal Rights/LGBTQ+ Activist



Food Cycle, Futsal, Dance,

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