Candidate for the position of General Secretary



Gordon Gets it Done

Key achievements as C&W 19/20

                1.            £1 million for student mental health

                2.            Designed LSE Support Map

                3.            Secured Pro Bono consulting for LSESU

                4.            Created Wind-Down Wednesday


Reform, Revamp, Repair LSESU:

1.     Recruit business and finance experts to LSESU’s governing body.

2.     Hire consultants to review the SU’s strategy and operating plans.

3.     Investment into the SU’s website and catering offer, with focus on clubs and societies.


Funding Initiatives:

-          Creation of a Transformation Fund to democratically fund student initiatives schoolwide

-          Faith Fund - for faith and inter-faith activities administrated by the SU and Faith Centre


Lobby LSE to:

-          Hire Independent Sexual Health Advisor, and develop an intersectional approach to support

-          Divest from fossil fuels and armaments

-          Freeze rent in halls


Oversee SU projects:

-          Create Summer-Ball Committee 2021

-          Postgraduate Summer Hub: Social, Study, Support 

-          Continue BME mentoring programme

-          Continue homelessness mission

-          Initiate Democracy review


Enactus, Russian Business & Culture, Beekeeping, Geography & Environment, Women’s Rugby, Drama, PPE, Snow, Sustainable Futures, Lacrosse,  African-Caribbean, Alternative Careers, Swimming, Football, Welsh, United Nations, Netball, Men’s Basketball, Labour & Cooperative, Hayek, Jewish, Hindu, Entrepreneurs, Pride Alliance, Alternative Investments, Food Cycle, Food Cycle, Amnesty international, Futsal, Visual Arts, Dance, STAR, Pole Fitness, Men’s Rugby, Hockey, Ultimate Frisbee, Rowing

Site design by Elliot Parker.