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Candidate for the position of LGBTQ+ Officer



Empowering the Pride.

Hi! Coming to University might be scary, but coming out at University can be overwhelming. But it should not be, and that is why I am running to be your LSESU LGBTQ+ Officer. The Queer community have been historically underrepresented in all of the social spheres and, despite all of the efforts made in the past decades, spaces of power still marginalise LGBTQ+ individuals, and University does the same. As LGBTQ+ Officer, I aim to empower our community, create a sense of belonging and offer safety for all of us. Projects related to community participation are the creation of a safety guide for LGBTQ+ freshers, campaigns throughout the year and making sure societies are inclusive. At an institutional level, I will demand from LSE LGBTQ+ Counselling service and peer support, insist for more gender-neutral toilets and policies regarding LGBTQ+ representation for staff employment.



Beveridge, Cocktail, United Nations, Somali, Jewish, Amnesty international, Dance, STAR,

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