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Candidate for the position of Women's Officer



Standing as a voice for all women.


I believe that this role is a crucial position as it stands as a voice for female-identifying students at the LSE.  

Women deserve equality. The LSE is an incredible institution, however, there is a need and demand for policy expansion, inclusivity, and action for the well-being of all female-identifying students.  

I believe that I would make a strong candidate for the role of Women’s Officer as I have seen both the beauty and the struggle in womanhood. I have been victim to my fair share of gender discrimination and sexual violence.

LSE needs to be a safe space, a true “home away from home”, and I believe that through my various cultural immersions, and my experience with intersectionality, I would be a suitable candidate to provide that experience.  

I was born and raised in Canada, and have helped to shape institutions, such as our Canadian political parties (Liberal and Green) with gender-inclusivity and representation-focused policies. I am incredibly keen to implement new strategies in this position. As Women’s Officer, I would lobby key stakeholders at the LSE for policies that are inclusive, create new events, work alongside societies, and collaborate with Consent Ed and Hands Off LSE to create new safety initiatives. 

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