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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Education Officer




Hi, I'm Josh and I'm a third year Politics and history student.

Whilst at LSE, I have been a student academic mentor, club captain of LSE boxing, vice-president of Government society and active across many other SU societies. 

The manifesto that you see before you has been crafted in consultation with groups from across the university- a manifesto which reflects the priorities of all students

Fair regulations:

Policy 1) Create a new, one-off 3-day extension on summative coursework available for all students

Policy 2) Campaign for same year resits for masters’ students 

Policy 3) Apply deadlines for teachers to return summative and formative feedback within 3-weeks.

Academic injustice:

Policy 1) Guarantee that students are automatically reimbursed for all days of lost teaching due to strike action. 

Policy 2) End mis-gendering on LSE diplomas

Policy 3) Ensure that LSE continues research into the racial educational attainment gap

Improving LSE’s academic climate:

I am comitted to changing LSE's academic climate away from an intensive and stressful environment.

Policy 1) Invest in more social spaces on campus. Pool tables, board games, sofas in the SU!

Policy 2) Integrate student representatives into decisionmaking. Make them permanent members of academic panels.

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