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Candidate for the position of Education Officer



Celebration of Education - Not of 100%_your_Grade, In-Person Exams!

Hi! I’m Jonathan and I’m currently studying Economic History and Geography as an Undergrad. As the UG Department Rep for the Economic History Department and the BSc EH & G SSLC Rep for my year, I have already been very involved in LSE’s academic policy but have also seen first-hand several areas which desperately need improvement, above all LSE’s highly stressful, unnecessary and outdated all-in-one-go approach to far too many summative exams.

My Main Action Points if elected as your LSESU Education Officer:

  • Exams:

Advocate for summative exams that are more spread out across the year & split between both online and in-person components, with the online-component allowing for a less-stressful show-off of skills and knowledge without the time-pressure and intense atmosphere of in-person exams


  • Student Community:

Expand already existing peer-to-peer SAM (Student Academic Mentor)-Programmes to all departments and broaden their scope to enable more interaction between the different degree cohorts


  • Careers:

Capitalize more strongly on the peer-to-peer approach in students’ preparation for internship and job applications, through a student-led careers mentorship scheme so students can take full advantage of the many experiences made by other LSE students further along in their Job/Internship search

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