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Candidate for the position of Member of Trustee Board

Image for Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal

Trustees you love to hate, but trust anyway

My most tangible offering is two-fold; a heartful, seasoned interest, and a system of integrity with trust, confidence and outreach of our diverse student body.

After talking to hundreds of you, I've domesticated friends, a body of students I engage, trust - and a new nexus of information that made me truly recognise the material influence our SU has on experiences across LSE. 

Cognizant of exciting new ideas, themes, trends and student interests, I find the autonomy to conduct RAG / one-off events (e.g., our new flagship Fashion Show with AU) covering a spectrum of events and interest that make our SU Members feel catered important.

Supporting you is my priority – whether you work part-time, live on scholarships, come from a state-background or want to be heard with with every decision made, I want to know.

Anything I miss? Talk to me, I'm all ears.

Would love to get your vote!



Trustee of a School Board serving 1000+, clinics for 100+ athletes, provided equipment (£1k), raising £10k+ in grants!
At LSE: Student Advisory Group, LSE SU RAG Events, LSE Business & Investment Group (Ext. Affairs)

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