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Candidate for the position of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Officer



Creating a legacy of BAME excellence

BAME students have been ignored for too long at LSE. It about time there is change at this insitution. The generic BS that happens every Black History Month, the false claims of supporting our community and the lack of support to particularly domestic BAME students is sickening. There is three initial steps if I am elected to carry out to do so.

1) Create a space where BAME students can talk about our issues and able to talk about our experiences - this would allow for a strong sense of community

2) Advocate for more BAME teachers and lecturers - studies show that students perform better with teachers that resonate with them - therefore I would help to for the teachers to be reflective of the diverse student population

3) Advocate for a more inclusive BAME curriculum - the education we receive is always about the same white old men who lived 200 years ago. Times change , so what we learn definitely has to change. Therefore it would be imperative to learn about theorists who come from BAME communities 

With these inititatives, I believe that LSE would be an insitutition where BAME students would feel safe, inclusive and heard.

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