Candidate for the position of LGBTQ+ Officer



Be gay, do vote.

Hi, I’m Hannah and my pronouns are she/her.  Through my work as a peer supporter and on the Rejoin Stonewall campaign, I’ve already gained so much insight into what the queer community here needs. I want to work together with the LGBTQ+ Society and Spectrum to continuously improve the queer experience at LSE with the following goals:


Improving the experience of queer students:

  • Ensure regular meetings of the LGBT support group as well as holding weekly office hours myself

  • Campaign to streamline the IT system for legal name updates and ensure deadnames are not visible for students using a preferred name 

  • Improve staff training on inclusivity in the classroom


Lobbying the university:

  • Continue the fight for LSE to rejoin Stonewall and the Workplace Equality Index

  • Meanwhile, hold the SMC accountable in effectively replacing the services provided by Stonewall

  • Increase funding for the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) division


Running queer events:

  • Put on another Pride Week event with a focus on visibility and intersectionality

  • Hold queer social events for underrepresented groups, such as for POC and for women and non-binary people.

  • Invite more trans and non-binary speakers to LSE

Site design by Elliot Parker.