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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Democracy Committee



Striving for democracy with Inclusivity, Accessibility and Transparency

Hello all, My name is Gaurev Ashok Kumar and I am a first year Economics student from Chennai, India. Coming from the world's biggest democracy, I have realised how important democracy is, for a functioning society. I have seen how marginalised groups in India have risen up the ranks having been given the ability to vote! The democracy review organised by LSE, which I attended, informed me about the vital work the SU plays in our student lives, which often goes unnoticed. Hearing from SU members about the problems SU is currently facing motivated me to help towards achieving the goals of the SU, such as representation of international students within the body, increasing accessibility and transparency in elections and ensuring a fair and just electoral process and I will make sure that all these goals are reached by doing whatever I can in my position! Thank you for reading my manifesto!!!

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