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Candidate for the position of International Students' Officer

Image for Wasay Yar Khan

Wasay Yar Khan

Of LSE students, around 70% are international, so handling the affairs of international students is of immense significance to the university. I, as the International Students Officer, wish to aid fellow students in bridging the gap between the LSE and home. With the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, students lost valuable opportunities to make friends and form their own network within the LSE. As the International Students Officer, I plan on hosting events and creating a system with other local universities to let students of similar backgrounds get in touch with one another so they can acclimatize to the change in culture together. Beyond just that, international first years are at an inherent disadvantage as they do not get to access pre-professional career opportunities that many UK locals get to experience as a part of their school lives. Bank open days, for example, a concept unbeknownst to international students, are something UK students are familiarized with since school. I aim to create opportunities for international students to branch out and avail such prospects with someone from their own community, making an entirely foreign concept feel slightly more like home.

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