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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

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Candidate for the position of LGBTQ+ Officer



I'm rolling with the LGBT.

Hi, I’m Arya (he/him) and I’m running to continue the great progress we’ve made so far at LSE to make campus inclusive for everyone of all gender identities and sexual orientations! I want to continue the progress that the two previous LGBTQIA+ officers, Thiago and Eli, have achieved, such as the support group scheme and LSE’s annual Pride Week. 

My objectives are to expand LGBTQIA+ visibility on campus, build the community, and ensure that queer LSE students receive support from Day 1 of university. I will do this by:

Increasing representation on campus

  • Increase the number of gender-neutral toilets on campus

  • Build a monument that pays homage to the Gay Liberation Front’s origins at LSE

  • Produce a video series that highlights LGBTQIA+ students, alumni and staff on campus, and LSE’s queer history

  • Promote modules related to gender identity and sexual orientation

  • Decorate campus during Pride Month to celebrate queer visibility

Building community

  • Continue freshers’ week LGBTQIA+ events and Pride Week

Securing support for queer students

  • Ensure access to free contraceptives

  • Establish a buddy scheme to help incoming freshers settle into university

  • Expand the number of mental health counselling sessions and support available

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