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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Community and Welfare Officer



Vote for Shruthi, Vote for Inclusivity!

1. Promote inclusivity and student welfare by organizing regular interactions with students to understand emerging issues that the Union can take up. 

2. Create better library facilities, including a space for a cafe and a microwave. 

3. Set up a community kitchen that serves highly subsidized food and offers part-time job opportunities for students. The profit from the kitchen is to be shared amongst the workers. 

4. Create more gender-neutral spaces on campus, particularly more toilets in the main buildings. 

5. Organise internship fairs, part-time opportunities, and activity projects for students, whilst promoting collaboration with other universities. Improve links with other colleges through more conferences and departmental events. 

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