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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Education Officer



The "community-creator" - only helping each other, do we thrive!

Community is what I bring to the table.

I've always loved building community, empowering, and celebrating others & this is how I'll do the job.

During Lockdown, I started and organised multiple gardening groups. The NHS paid me to do this as it tackled isolation, loneliness, poor mental health, and it got people regularly exercising - all in one. Creating community is the easiest, cheapest way to solve many LSE problems - and its what motivates me and my ideas below:

  • ! MY BIG IDEA: Create an optional half-credit 'Community Module' for all students to contribute to LSE life as part of their grades. So, you can tackle the problems you know about best, e.g. accounting students could make their sports team's finances better, or you could write a report recommending improvements to LSE's communications strategy around mental health.

I also want to:

  • Add a Grade Calculator to Moodle. Better work prioritisation: less stress.
  • Negotiate cheaper gym membership during exams: regular exercise = better stress-coping mechanisms.
  • Host a weekly PG Meet-n-greet in Term 1.
  • Clarify how long we must wait to get grades back! 3 weeks? 7?
  • Celebrate students publicly who have overcome hardship –focus on anti-racist and social mobility campaigns. Monthly spotlight on IG / E-mail.

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