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Candidate for the position of Neurodivergent Students' Officer

Image for Archie Mitchell

Archie Mitchell

Thinking Differently about Neurodiversity

We must stop the systematic disadvantage that neurodivergent people face at LSE

From participation in social events to assessments, LSE is chronically failing to support Neurodivergent people to have the same, basic, opportunities that are available to the rest of the student body - a significant departure from the 'world leading' university that is promised.

Having been diagnosed with ADHD since starting at university, I am aware of the significant struggle that students face to receive diagnosis, support, and acceptance, both at LSE, and within wider society.  As Neurodivergent Students' Officer, I will fight tirelessly to deliver:

  • Establishing a community for Neurodivergent people at LSE - through organising engaging, and accessible, social events throughout the year, in collaboration with neighboring universities; helping to break down the silence around neurodiversity.
  • Ensuring that Inclusion Plans ('My Adjustments') are fit for purpose - with adjustments that are both applicable and useful for neurodivergent students. 
  • Consultation on Assessment methods used at LSE, and their impact on neurodivergent students. For too long assessments have been determined by 'neurotypical' staff for 'neurotypical' students - this must change.

Follow my campaign, and ask me any questions on Instagram (@ArchieForNeuroLSE), Twitter (@ArchieForNeuro) and TikTok (@ArchieForNeuroLSE).



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