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Candidate for the position of International Students' Officer

Image for Sherry Zhang

Sherry Zhang

Sherry gets you a second home at LSE!

Hi I’m Sherry, a BSc Language, Culture and Society student at LSE. I will be running for the International Student Officer position.


Though I’m a first year student, I’ve already got 3 years’ experiences in directing, debate, and TEDx events; and have developed sophisticated skills in public speaking and persuasive speeches. I believe I’ve also got enough creativity and passion for this position. Been doing researches on gender and racial inequality issues since senior high, and as an international student myself, I can relate the difficulties we may face when studying in London, not just about academics and internships.


If elected I would aim to:

1. £$€: Expand the range of international students who can apply for financial support, strive for equality.

2. Careers in YOUR COUNTRY at YOUR DOORSTEP: Increase career resources and supports for international students.

3. It’s OK to be not OK: 1-2-1 mental health support & International student activities - get to know buddies from your country.

4. Make London your second HOME: Increase food diversity on campus & Monthly newsletters introducing specialty restaurants of different cuisines.


Thank you for reading my manifesto, vote Sherry and your second home at LSE is on her!

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