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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

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Candidate for the position of Democracy Committee



You ask, I relay, Vote for Tazrian Today !


Hi! My name is Tazrian, and I am a first-year International Relations student from East London, British Asian, born in Belgium.

I’ve been actively involved in societies and organisations during my academic career concerning democracy such as being the vice-president of the politics club, deputy head boy, and more recently running a selection process for Youth Empowerment.
In the role of a Democracy Committee member, I would be able to liaison and work with my committee members effectively in a collaborative manner. I’ve been a part of many organisations and societies which has developed my soft skills and time management. I’m aware of the commitment this role requires and I am willing to take on the task.

About me:

  • Student representative for LSE100.
  • Committee member of the London Law Conference.
  • Worked with a charity organisation called TeachForIndia to raise awareness regarding educational inequality.
  • Volunteer worker for the Newham Youth Group.


  • Work alongside other committee members to guarantee that LSESU functions in a democratic way, according to the Articles of Association.
  • Ensuring students' voice is heard regarding the process for election roles and referenda.
  • Provide guidance and awareness of the rules and regulations pertaining to elections.
  • Assist with promoting elections!

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