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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Activities & Development Officer

Image for Ghina Kheir

Ghina Kheir

Let’s move in the Right Direction, together!

Promote postgraduate integration!

  • LSE postgraduate ball.
  • Project Postgraduate: integrating postgraduates socially and academically!
    • Social sport leagues.
    • Interdepartmental family/buddy system: creating small group chats before MT.
    • Interdepartmental study groups.
    • Interdepartmental end of year trip.
  • Creating pop-up notifications for events on LSE app.
  • Postgraduate 'Carol'! (a day-long event involving partying between AU clubs) but with each MSc course being a club.

Celebrating sports!

  • BUCS Wednesday pre-drink specials!
    • Clubs get post-match deals for food/drinks at the Tuns.
    • Player of the match: each player can get a free drink at the Tuns during sports night.
  • Mandatory ‘Give It a Go’ in LT.
  • Reviving ‘Active Lifestyle’! Advertising in a way where there is no needed experience, obligation, or judgement. Simply a space where people can experience new activities at their own pace. Online and in-person.
    • Creating fitness classes for people with disabilities.
  • AU Challenge! Competition that encourages clubs to record their walk/runs/cycles, where the club with the most kilometres covered wins bar tab on the last sports night of term.
  • Project Elite: Project that supports talented and gifted athletes who compete at the highest level while at LSE.
  • Decorating Marshall space with posters/quotes from club presidents/captains.
  • Consent.Ed for every society

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