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Candidate for the position of General Secretary

Image for Molly Jenno

Molly Jenno

Jenno for Gen Sec.

As a former LSE Mentor, SU Gym Assistant, and active Society Member; I've been lucky enough to see the range and diversity of talent and passion in LSE Students. I intend to make the Union a platform for students to thrive

Together, let's Revive In-Person LSE. I will: 


  • Create a Community Hub- facilitate easy inter-society communication and build alumni networks 
  • Establish a Society Collaboration fund - more joint events, celebrate intersectionalities 
  • Construct a University-Wide Family/Buddy System - bring students closer across year groups and departments 
  • Put LGBTQ+, Disability and Diversity Officers on the AU Exec 
  • Expand the Off-Campus Support Scheme - include isolation check-ins, and emphasise PG integration


  • Partner with Mental Health Charities - increase resources and shorten waiting times 
  • Extend Hardship Funds and Bursaries- to support those detrimented by the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, COVID and continuous global challenges 
  • Launch a review into Sexual Assault Procedures & Victim Support


  • Lobby for Exam Results Appeal and Feedback Process 
  • Make Course Selection Fairer - Bring it forward,  Departmental Guidelines published in advance and, key faculty on hand to advise 
  • Increase interaction with academic mentors and other staff members - make the transition back to face-to-face learning easier & boost support 

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