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View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of General Secretary



Celebrating Diversity Every Day! Vote for Leo: Loveable, Enthusiastic, Outspoken!

Dear fellow students,

my name is Leo (they/them), I am 26 years old and reading the MSc Gender (Sexuality).
In the last term I engaged with the hockey club, the dance club and the LGBTQ+ society at LSE. Moreover, I gained experience in university politics during my undergraduate degree in Germany.

I would love to be your next general secretary because I want to make real change at LSE and improve the study and living conditions for all of us.

My policies are the following:

  1. Establishing a mentorship programme with external professionals
  2. Creating a diverse and inclusive network
  3. Fostering mental health
  4. Accommodating intersectional teaching & research
  5. Changing the deferral policy in favour of students

Do not hesitate to get in touch with me! :)

My instagram account is leo.for.lse.gen.sec

Thank you for your trust!

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