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Candidate for the position of Activities & Development Officer

Image for Romane BRANTHOMME


I'll give you give you more!

I am Romane, a third year Philosophy and Politics student. I am also Athletics Union Executive, Tennis President, and Treasurer for Sport Business.

I am running for Activities and Development because I believe my experiences and enthusiasm can help all students organize and lead amazing events.


My plan?


  • More funds for clubs/societies!
  • Ensure that clubs/societies get the best support possible from the SU.
  • Keep talking about Consent! With an emphasis on peer support and awareness.
  • Rebrand and get our mascot on the SU and the AU logos.
  • More women and postgrad involvement! Both as members and as leaders. The MT elections should be a major event on campus.
  • Create a major Sports day! With the Marshall building, there is now so much potential for sports competitions within the SU.


Why me?  


As AU Exec I was involved in organising major events including Carol and AU Ball and through this I have become acquainted with the inner workings of the SU.

As Tennis President, I am aware of the challenges facing committees.

As my friends can tell you I am a planner, a chronic multitasker who cannot sit still and who’s easy to talk to.

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