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View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of International Students' Officer



What Pitbull meant by M(s) Worldwide

I'm a second-year Palestinian and Canadian Politics and International Relations student, growing up in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Jordan!

After spending the last year studying from home, coming back/to London is transition I want to help with so that LSE can feel like home away from home!   


• LSESUMENA President 
• Special Olympics Ambassador 
• Head Girl 


Increased hardship funding: 
I will advocate for increased hardship funding and scholarship opportunities that can be easily accessed, and make options for accessing preexisting funds better publicised so you know the opportunities available.

International Day Fair:
Moving across different schools, international day was a staple, and is something I want to bring to LSE to dedicate a day to celebrating every culture!

Enhance international students' welfare programmes: 
I will increase international student representatives that can be a point of contact for concerns you may have about living in London, housing and finances. 

Listening to you:
I will prioritise actively working to fix your concerns alongside the SU and LSE staff. 

As International Students’ Officer, I promise to make LSE feel like home away from home regardless of whether you are a four-hour train ride or a fourteen-hour flight away!


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