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Candidate for the position of Democracy Committee

Image for George Bowron

George Bowron

Transparency. Understanding. Empowerment.

I’m George, an undergrad in the social policy department, and I'm hoping to be one of your members of the Democracy Committee!


I’m keen to make sure that LSESU can really serve the interests of all of its members, and a big part of that is making sure that elections, meetings, and other parts of the democratic process are transparent and well-managed. Making sure that SU members can trust the organisation and feel empowered to participate are imperative for having a student union that can make a real difference to the lives of students.


I’ve gained experience outside of my studies in helping to manage this type of democratic process, having previously worked as an administrative officer in a local authority’s democratic services department, supporting the administration of elections and electoral registration, and as a count assistant in the 2019 UK General Election. I’m also accredited by the Electoral Commission as an electoral observer. These roles have given me a good understanding of how democratic processes are administered, and I hope to be able to apply the skills and knowledge I’ve gained on the Democracy Committee.

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