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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

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Candidate for the position of Community and Welfare Officer

Image for Anaëlle Thoreau

Anaëlle Thoreau

With Anaëlle, life is swell

At LSE, I’ve been involved in Hands Off as lead campaigner to increase sexual violence support, including lobbying for Consent Ed and an anti-harassment officer to support students. I was also previously the President of Women in Politics and a Consent Ed facilitator. By being Community and Welfare Officer, I can achieve wider impact and represent students’ interests!


Students’ well-being

  • Hire a trauma-trained counsellor to support students going through difficult times
  • Increase partnerships with mental health services, including BAME and LGBTQ+ support, to propose broader kinds of support
  • Bring back wind down Wednesdays for a fun social break
  • Facilitate the ways to access support and increase communication


  • More subsidised cafés on campus
  • Promote financial support for both International and UK students
  • Lobby LSE to sign the UK university pledge to end Non-Disclosure Agreements in cases of sexual violence
  • Dialogue with LSE on fair exams terms and support
  • Support for societies and AU clubs for cases of harassment


  • Organise and promote weekly volunteering initiatives
  • Improve accessibility for starting a campaign including funding and room bookings
  • Lobby and collaborate with LSE departments to encourage more cohort social events
  • Accountability on previous motions with the LSESU Democratic Review

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