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Candidate for the position of General Course President


Hello! I’m Gretchen and I’m running for General Course President because I want to increase course access across the board, get more resources for GC students, and create a post to help GCer’s navigate LSE. I have a lot of previous student government experience including being a Hall Senator my freshman year and the Student Life Senator my sophomore year. Through these positions, I advocated for students directly to both faculty and staff through various meetings. I was able to get those groups to support a weeklong no-homework break during the pandemic and to investigate the mental health crisis on campus. If elected, I would aim to increase the number of courses available to GC students, such as IR courses. I would also push for creating a post that helps introduce GC’ers to LSE. Whether it’s through navigating essay writing or how to register for courses, there needs to be more support in that area. I have organized a variety of events in the past at my home college of St. Olaf and would use those skills to help organize great GC events. Feel free to email if you have any questions. Thank you!

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