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Candidate List

LSESU Lent Term Elections 2022

The polls have closed.

General Secretary

As General Secretary, you would be one of LSESU's full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers and the primary liaison between LSE and the Students’ Union. The Sabbatical Officers represent all LSE students and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events.

  • Georgia Giles Manifesto

    Let's Put The G In GenSec!

  • Dan HURST Manifesto



    Celebrating Diversity Every Day! Vote for Leo: Loveable, Enthusiastic, Outspoken!

  • Molly Jenno Manifesto

    Jenno for Gen Sec.

  • Tilly Mason Manifesto

    Don't be silly, vote for Tilly!

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Education Officer

As Education Officer, you would be one of the Students’ Union's full-time paid Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers represent all students and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events.

  • MAARYA RABBANI Manifesto

  • Hannah BROWN Manifesto

    Han's got a plan!

  • MATT WILCOCK Manifesto

    The "community-creator" - only helping each other, do we thrive!

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Community and Welfare Officer

As Community and Welfare Officer you will be one of LSESU’s full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers represent all students at LSE and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events.

  • Anaëlle Thoreau Manifesto

    With Anaëlle, life is swell

  • Ed Laing Manifesto

    If you like what you have read, please vote Ed

  • SHRUTHI DILEEP Manifesto

    Vote for Shruthi, Vote for Inclusivity!

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Activities & Development Officer

As Activities and Development Officer, you will be one of LSESU’s full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers represent all students at LSE and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events.

  • Romane BRANTHOMME Manifesto

    I'll give you give you more!

  • Ghina Kheir Manifesto

    Let’s move in the Right Direction, together!

  • Gabby TARRANT Manifesto


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Anti-Racism Officer

As Anti-Racism Officer, you would be responsible for helping to tackle racism and prejudices at LSE.

There are no approved candidates.
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Athletics Union President

As Athletics Union President, you would be responsible for working alongside the Athletics Union and the Activities and Development Office to improve sport at LSE.

  • MAHA KHAN Manifesto

    If anyone can, Maha Khan!


    Don't Miss, Vote Chris

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Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Officer

You must self-identify as Black or Minority Ethnic in order to run for this position. As BME Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of Black and ethnic minority students on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.

There are no approved candidates.
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Disabled Students' Officer

|You must self-identify as Disabled in order to run for this position. As Disabled Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of disabled students on campus.

  • AVELINE SHEK Manifesto

    Inclusion, support, understanding

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Environment & Ethics Officer

As Environment and Ethics Officer, you would be responsible for working alongside the Union to develop policies relating to the environment and ethics.

There are no approved candidates.
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Graduate Teaching Assistant Rep

You must be a Graduate Teaching Assistant to run for this role. The GTA Representative will work to materially improve the working conditions of GTAs at the LSE.

There are no approved candidates.
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International Students' Officer

As International Students' Officer, you would be responsible for making positive change for international students at LSE.

  • MEHUL BANSAL Manifesto

    A year of Inclusivity, Change, and Growth.

  • Vincent Wei Manifesto

    Caring for the LSE journey

  • RAZAN AWWAD Manifesto

    What Pitbull meant by M(s) Worldwide

  • Sherry Zhang Manifesto

    Sherry gets you a second home at LSE!

  • Wasay Yar Khan Manifesto

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LGBTQ+ Officer

You must self-define as as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or another minority gender identity or sexual orientation, such as gender queer or asexual in order to run for this role. As LGBT+ Students' Officer, you would be responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns of LGBT+ students at LSE, working alongside the Sabbatical Officers to make positive change.

  • ARYA BARKESSEH Manifesto

    I'm rolling with the LGBT.

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Neurodivergent Students' Officer

You must self-define as neurodivergent in order to run for this role. As Neurodivergent Students' Officer, you would be responsible for lobbying on issues surrounding the experiences of neurodivergent LSE students

  • AVELINE SHEK Manifesto

    Inclusion, support, understanding

  • Archie Mitchell Manifesto

    Thinking Differently about Neurodiversity

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Postgraduate Research Students' Officer

You must be a postgraduate research student in order to run for this role. As Postgraduate Research Students' Officer, you are the main representative of PhD students at LSE, responsible for campaigning to improve their experiences.

There are no approved candidates.
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Raising & Giving (RAG) President

As RAG President, you are responsible for leading on and delivering RAG Week, among other events, and supporting students with fundraising.

There are no approved candidates.
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Social Mobility & Class Officer

You must self define as being from a low socio-economic background in order to run for this role. As Social Mobility and Class Officer, you would be responsible for lobbying on all issues surrounding the experiences of LSE students from low socio-economic backgrounds

  • AYSHA SARAH Manifesto

    The social elevator is broken… just like the library elevator.

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Women's Officer

You must self-define as a woman in order to run for this role. As Women's Officer, you would be responsible for campaigning and lobbying on womens' issues, making positive change for women at LSE.

There are no approved candidates.
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Democracy Committee

As a member of the Democracy Committee, you would be responsible for ensuring that LSESU functions in a democratic way, in line with our Articles of Association and bye-laws.

  • George Bowron Manifesto

    Transparency. Understanding. Empowerment.


    You ask, I relay, Vote for Tazrian Today !


  • ERIKA ATOMA Manifesto



    Striving for democracy with Inclusivity, Accessibility and Transparency

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Creative Network Chair

As Creative Network Chair, you would be responsible for representing all creative society members, working alongside the Activities and Development Officer to develop creative societies at LSE.

There are no approved candidates.
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Athletics Union Executive

As Athletics Union Executive, you would be a representative of the Athletics Union club members, responsible for developing sport at LSE.

  • Sergio Iniguez Manifesto

    Will organize ridiculously good events

  • PARTHA SHETTY Manifesto

    Don’t make this year Shitty, vote Shetty!

  • FINLAY ROBERTS Manifesto

    Make Wednesdays fun again.

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AU Engagement Officer

As Athletics Union Engagement Officer, you would be a representative of the Athletics Union club members, responsible for developing sport at LSE.

There are no approved candidates.
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Member of Trustee Board


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