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Your Autumn Term Elections 2024 are coming soon!

Autumn Term Elections 2024

Nominations for Autumn term Elections Open Monday 23rd September!

Note: Make sure you're logged into the website with your LSESU account in order to see the option to nominate yourself below.

You can also change your mind at any time. If you decide actually it's not for you, you can withdraw your nomination just as easily as you signed up.


  • 23 September 9am: Nominations Open
  • 13 October 23:59: Nominations Close
  • 21 October: Campaigning Begins
  • 22 October 9am - 23 October 4pm: Voting Open
  • 24 October: Results Night


Academic Sub-Committee Members

The Academic Sub-Committee (ASC) is all about representing students based on their level of study. Postgraduate students will have different priorities than Undergraduates, Part-Time Study student concerns will differ from Graduate Teaching Assistants'. The ASC is there to ensure all these different student experiences are given a voice, by advising and feeding into the plans of LSESU senior leaders.

All ASC members will receive a £300 honorarium as thankyou for your work representing students.

As an Academic Sub-Committee member you would:

  • Produce a termly report on the student experience of your representative student group
  • Advise the Sabbatical and Part-Time Officers on students’ academic priorities via close communication with the Education Officer
  • Attend relevant Consultative Fora sessions
  • Meet with the other Officers within the Academic Sub-Committee and the Education Officer to discuss issues affecting students across the whole of LSE

Any student can run to be an Academic Sub-Committee Officer as long as they are enrolled on a course at LSE that the Officer role represents. For example, only Postgraduate Research students can run for the position of Postgraduate Research Officer; only Part-Time students can run for the position of Part-Time Study Officer. 

A Teach Out's consist of a teaching session of any variety outside the university structure, to help foster discussion, solidarity and resistance. They are friendly informal spaces, a good way for people to participate in the strike, a way to build staff-student solidarity and breakdown hierarchies in the university. They can involve music, poetry, crafting, conversation, theatre, reflection, reading. They can be about the issues the strike is over (equality, insecure contracts, unsustainable workload, the cost of living crisis), connected issues in higher education (e.g. fees, course cuts), worker’s rights and the history of worker’s struggles around the world, wider related issues like anti-racism, climate justice, the hostile environment for migrants, mental health, housing.

The General Course President represents General Course students during their short time here at LSE. In this role you will be in a unique position to shape the experience of the whole General Course cohort by working directly with the General Course Department.

See the full role description at:

The Graduate Teaching Asssistant Officer represents Graduate Teaching Assistants at LSE. This is a particularly vital role across the backdrop of the ongoing UCU strikes.

See the full role description at:


The Part-Time Study Officer represents students undertaking courses at LSE on a part-time basis. You'll liaise with part-time students and report back on their experience to LSESU senior leaders.

See the full role description at:

The Postgraduate Research Officer represents students undertaking a PhD at LSE. You'll liaise with PGR students and report back on their experience to LSESU senior leaders.

See the full role description at:

The Postgraduate Taught Officer represents all students undertaking a postgraduate course at LSE. The majority of LSE students are postgraduate, so you'll be representing a very broad group of people! You'll liaise with postgraduate students and report back on their experience to LSESU senior leaders.

See the full role description at:

The Undergraduate Officer represents students undertaking undergraduate courses at LSE, and all the varied experiences that fall within this. You'll liaise with part-time students and report back on their experience to LSESU senior leaders.

See the full role description at:

Other Positions

Steer the student-led change that drives the LSESU - decide what’s fair campaigning during elections, review student policy proposals, and chair discussion at Town Halls - there’s lots to get stuck into in Democracy Committee!

Each Democracy Committee member will be paid an honorarium of £700 for their work in the 2024/25 academic year.

For more information about Democracy Committee click here or here - you can also contact

As an affiliated member of the National Union of Students (NUS), an organisation with over seven million members, LSESU is entitled to send voting delegates to the National Conference in April. At the conference you will have the chance to join in the debate on the key issues facing students across the United Kingdom, as well as to vote for the student representatives who will lead the NUS for the next year.

See the full role description at:

Two students are elected each year to sit on the highest level committee within LSE’s academic governance, the Academic Board, and represent the interests of LSE students.

See the full role description at:


About the elections

Your student representatives shape LSESU's work, influence LSE committees and impact your student experience. Running for a rep position is one of the best ways to have your say on how your Students' Union is run and create change at LSE - it's also a valuable source of professional work experience.

We run elections twice a year; during Autumn Term and during Winter Term.

Useful information

Candidate Information Pack

Elections Rules and Regulations

Elections FAQs

A quick guide to digital campaigning

Candidate Support Hub

You're not in this alone! Have a look our candidate support hub where we will provide you with loads of info on how to run for election.

making a complaint 

In order to make a complaint, it must be submitted to the Returning Officer. If you wish to make a complaint about the conduct of a candidate, please email All complaints must be submitted before 6pm, 23rd October. Complaints submitted after this time will not be reviewed.

Past results