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A student group getting a group photo taken on a trip to a mountain range

Using your committee position in your CV

Being on a society committee can sometimes be like having a mini part-time job, and it is most definitely impactful voluntary work so you can, and you should, be using your role on your CV or in your interview answers!

You gain many skills from whatever committee position you take on, for example:

- Teamwork and interpersonal skills

- Relationship building and management

- Project management

- Event management

- Initiative and problem solving

- Commitment to sectors/values of interest

- Impact-focused and results orientated

- Innovation and creativity

- And more..

and these are often skills employers are looking for!

For example, if you had the following job description: 

You would be able to leverage your committee position to show your skillset and personal development! 

Let's say you were the Secretary of the Social Mobility Society, you could include this on your CV:

- Organised and chaired regular open debate forums and workshops, encouraging the exchange of diverse ideas among students from varied backgrounds, enhancing community engagement and dialogue.

- Developed and implemented innovative recruitment strategies to increase society membership by 30%, utilising both digital platforms and face-to-face networking.

- Established and nurtured partnerships with local nonprofits and other university societies, expanding the reach and impact of social mobility efforts on and off campus.

- Successfully secured £500 in sponsorships from multiple companies, demonstrating effective negotiation skills and the ability to engage and persuade external stakeholders to support university initiatives focused on social mobility.


Or for example, if you were the Marketing Officer for the Korean Entertainment Society, you could say:

- Developed and executed a comprehensive marketing strategy that increased society membership by 40%, utilising various digital marketing tools and platforms to target and engage a diverse student audience.

- Analysed engagement data from social media campaigns and society events to refine marketing approaches, demonstrating proficiency in using data sources to enhance promotional effectiveness and outreach.

- Fostered an environment of open dialogue and cultural exchange by organising and promoting Korean cultural events, which encouraged diverse student participation and promoted inclusivity on campus.

- Managed multiple marketing projects simultaneously, setting personal objectives and deadlines to ensure timely and successful execution of campaigns, showcasing strong organisational skills and initiative.

You can adapt these based on the amazing work you actually do in your society, the events you put on and also based on how you work alongside your fellow committee members! Your role in your society is a clear way to demonstrate personal development and the soft skills employers are looking for.

If you aren't sure how to leverage your committee position on your CV or to your advantage, please book a meeting with a LSE Careers Consultant - and they can help you with your specific one!



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