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The Student Training Awards & Recognition Scheme is a programme that is developed to help our clubs and societies hit a base standard of operating for its members and to recognise well run, fun and inclusive groups.



The Student Training and Recognition Awards is a scheme to help student groups develop in areas that relate to LSESU core values. They are a fantastic way to gain accreditation for your Club or Society’s achievements from this academic year. They're also great way of attracting new members, guest speakers and sponsors, as they demonstrate that your group is active and operating to a high standard.

This year, the criteria is as follows:


1. INFORMED: Have all committee members complete all compulsory online trainings, gain admin rights, and complete ConsentEd training.

2. COMMUNITY: Host regular social events (at least once a month during term time) to build a community within your club/society.

3. COLLABORATION: Collaborate on an event with another society/club that is unrelated to your own.

4. INCLUSION: Host a Give It A Go event during the start of term (or within a month of your group being set up, if you are a new club/society).

Application Form Here!



You must have achieved a Bronze Award in order to gain a Silver Award.

1. INFORMED: Collect feedback from members, and utilise that to influence the direction of your group.

2. COMMUNITY: Host a one-off (or regular) volunteering session as a society.

3. COLLABORATION: Collaborate with an external organisation to host an event/initiative that benefits your members (e.g. a speaker event, or networking activity).

4. INCLUSION: Host one event that focuses on the empowerment of marginalised student groups (this should be educational AND celebrate a group's achievements, culture, or history)

Application Form Here!


You must have achieved a SilverAward in order to gain a Gold Award.

1. INFORMED: Maintain an up-to-date page on the LSESU website, and have an active online presence on at least two digital platforms (e.g. blog, newsletter, social media etc)

2. COMMUNITY: Organise at least one fundraising event or fundraiser for a charity.

3. COLLABORATION: Take part in or collaborate with the Students' Union during a campaign or an initiative (e.g. Black History Month, Active Lifestyle etc.)

4. INCLUSION: Introduce a buddy or peer-mentoring scheme in your group - with a focus or inclusion and community building (rather than professional development).

Application Form Here!

How to Apply

You must achieve all four category criteria to achieve a Bronze/Silver/Gold Award.

Please fill out the application forms for each category, and upload them to the form at the link below. You can upload all three award applications at once if you wish.

The closing date for your application is 14th APRIL 2024




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