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LSESU Level Up Fitness is open for all LSE Summer School Students to access! We aim to keep prices low and provide an excellent service that suits your needs. Join today to avoid disappointment!

Summer School

LSESU Level Up Fitness is open for all LSE Summer School Students to access! We aim to keep prices low and provide an excellent service that suits your needs. Join today to avoid disappointment!

LSESU Level up fitness Gym

The LSESU Level Up Fitness features the latest innovations that fitness has to offer including a range of cardio and strength equipment, a functional training area.

Where to find us

SU Gym, 4th Floor, Saw Swee Hock, 1 Sheffield Street, WC2A 2AP

S&C Suite, Marshall Building, Basement Level B-2 4 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LY

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